Page 109 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 109

107 Wall of Books for Daily Life


‫ש‬؆      Spring                           Shop
પҒ      Coffee








۸Ⴏࠦᄕⷕ➀ Ɗ̬̬Ӫᄾᶣ╇                           6SULQJ &R൵HH 6KRS R൵HUV LWV VHOHFW FRI-
ᮆ⊑ៜ՝‫ כ‬Ƴ༖ɮࠟᷡⰍふᚑ                           fee roasted in-house, and provides many
⩈ュⅢᮆӤՂ ⣧࡝⸕ᠷࡒ⍴⊥                           LWHPV WR VDWLVI\ WKH ÀDYRUV RI LWV JXHVWV  
Ӻᷡ⭇ホ фƇƊࠟһ⊮Ⰱᮆ஡                           such as pot-boiled milk tea and various
ȫ ჵ⋯ᮆᡯ΍ ⥜Ǘু࡝⯝Ο                           light foods. The cozy space with just a
Ɓʫ਌‫ܪ‬ᮆᶯ৚‫ۿݪ‬                                few seats and the warm lighting makes
                                         people feel as if they have entered a
࿽ఢ Ⴏࠦᄕⷕৃ➓ៜ᠀՝‫כ‬༖ɮ                          small secret base.

                       57 1                                                                                107
1F., No. 57, Yong'an St. Huwei Township
09:00-18:00 (Closed on Fri.)
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