Page 103 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 103

101 Wall of Books for Daily Life


ৠଐ      Old
৪አ      House


㥯 㥭 Coffee

Ḏ⻼਌ପ チለෑ⊨ᮆ⅟ল՝                       Old Mansion Coffee is cozy with a
‫ כ‬ΉᚑႁᅖᕣᮆჀǰᣡ⋯ ⥜                      nostalgic style. It is full of the char-
Ǘ౛。㈉௲ ∿Πルᚑ ഃ ঵                      acteristics of the Japanese style of the
৲ ᄰӓৎᮆ ЌႶ஗৑Ɗীᅌ                      HUD  ZKLFK PDNHV SHRSOH UHOD[  ¿OO WKHLU 
໻Ϣᮆ⾖╇ᣀ⏝؏ Ⴖ⡚ࠟㄧৃ                      stomachs and calm down. What’s even
൦ԂⅦɞᮆ℅ㄧƧࠢ                           better is that the store introduces secret
                                    menu items from time to time, which
                                    help foodies fulfill their dream of in-
                                    dulging in great food.

࿽ఢ ⅟ল՝‫כ‬༖ɮ

No. 27, Xinxing Rd. Huwei Township
17:00-00:00 (Closed on Mon.)

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