Page 141 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 141

Beautiful Things for Daily Life


౵͜      Rice bran


pasteᒳ ᒳ

Ⳳࡘ὿ ᪦⊑෥ṃƁ᪳এᮆᦜੇ  Rice bran paste is produced by E-Sun
ᳲὁ Ⳳࡘ὿ɗ᪩Ӱវ۸‫⊑ۿ‬᠒  Rice that has been in business for about
ሉᷡᮆ˯யᷧὁ Ӟƈ὿਽ὁᮞ  60 years. Rice bran paste is made from
⊥⇠⌧ ➓Ⱥ෥ʹ⧯ ᡿ヴᮆ⇠  healthy rice grown locally. The rice
⌧ ὁ὿๖Ⳳ ᠇⣋᪩ɞު๖   husk and germ are removed to be made
⢹Ղᮇূ ᗝᦇᖐ⧋Ⅲᮆ‫ൂ؀‬   into quality and nutritious germ and
ᄶᦇⰍ⿅ᆡҚࠥțญᶓ ᄸࡘᄸ  rice brand spread. It tastes good as toast
˯὿              spread and can be used as flavoring. It
                is well received by consumers and has
                won the Yunlin top ten souvenir award.

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