Page 138 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好味》
P. 138

CH4Cultural Immersion



                                                                 Bao Sheng Hall is a cafe that blends

ʕ᪤‫ݰ‬ႶƁ⻼ᄾ␵࠵࡫⚋ӽᮆᚫၥ                                                  Chinese herbal medicine. It combines
՝‫כ‬ㄇ ΐӽ⅟၄ᣕ⡘⡁ᮂ஁ᚫ╘                                                  the designs of a century-old Chinese
ฃΐӽჀㇳ՝‫כ‬௜ ਄ջ ⧤℅প                                                  SKDUPDF\ DQG D IDVKLRQDEOH FR൵HH VKRS 
༖⊖ዕ⊗ ヶホ ュ၍ᣡ⋯ΐӽƻ                                                  to enhance the taste and aesthetics to
ᗎ⾣ᚫ╘⊥ㄴⳘ՝‫ כ‬஗Πǎ༖ɮ                                                  the extreme. Its meals and beverages
ࠟᷡヴ᪤℅ㄠ ณ⯔᥿⻮ᙲՂ ᙲ                                                  feature a combination of elegant and
ヴ᯼ᰏ⊥⇍Ӥ ৱ៌ᣡ⋯Қ⩈ ⾽                                                  plain Chinese herbs and aromatic and
Dz⭇Ⴅፈǿᮆ᥿ᣡḎ⻼                                                       mellow coffee. The shop also provides
                                                                 a variety of health-enhancing delicacies

                                                                 with unique flavors to nourish eyes

࿽ఢ                                                               and increase the appetite. It is a unique
                                                                 VSDFH ZLWK FKDUDFWHULVWLFV WKDW LV GL൶FXOW 
                       61                                        to copy.

11:00-19:00/               10:00-20:00


         No. 61, Zhongshan Rd. Beigang Township
         11:00-19:00/ Fri. - Sat. 10:00-20:00/ Sun. 10:00-19:00
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