Page 84 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 84

CH3Strolling for Seniors



       Б⬆⧯ፑ⾣⊗ᮆ▢ਣⱔనค ၧ                                During the Japanese era, the simple and
               ஁ᐓ௪Τԯ៌ӥ⫍ Ɩ҂⬆۸                         elegant former Huwei Township Office
                                                     was officially designated as a historic
       ‫ۿ‬၄҂ᒕ೐ᜤӉᮆହ❆෼ㄇ ㄇΠ⢇                              monument in 2001 and was transformed
       ᮼǢ῁ହ❆෼ӺᕣϹ ⠘⋯ ၄҂ဘ                              into a local hand puppet cultural
       ƽՖᐜӲᔁ】 ɞ⊑Ӻۨᮆ Ϋ෼˼                              museum. The museum introduces in
       ⠘⋯ ╴╇␵ӥႄ⡍ඪᮆᮞఢ෼˼Ӛ                              detail the various genres, characters,
       ⴐ᳤⭎᠜ᮆ෼⊛ DzӚ̏ӟࡘ⡲ᮆǂ                              cultural stories and history of Budai (hand
       љ௪✮ᚡ ᮇⰁӽ⊥⻩⭖ԁ⯫ ൅ӟ                              puppet) theater, classic puppet characters
       ହ❆෼ᚡ║ᮆჀ΍⾏⯳                                    from various countries, shadow puppets
                                                     with ancient stories and a gorgeous
           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ                                stage, as well as the highly acclaimed
                                                     interactive performances. It is perfect for
                                     498             visiting with the elders and experiencing
            +886-5-631-3080                          the time-honored art of hand puppet
            10:00-18:00                              theater performances.
         No. 498, Sec. 1, Linsen Rd. Huwei Township
         10:00-18:00 (Closed on Mon. - Tues. )
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