Page 46 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 46

CH2Backpacking Solo


̈‫غ‬    Yunlin
Ҙͯ    Wisteria
സ୭    Lake


஡␢ၧ‫ݍ‬ସ⮝ⱅ ᾶ╗ᘠΤ۫‫ۓ‬                  Located on the outskirts of the city, Yun-
ᛳᛷᘠᒢʱႫᮆஈ《⋯⢹Ֆ Ⓨ                  lin Wisteria Lake is a popular choice for
▧▧ᮆᩛᘠᐕ⯳ ‫ދ‬ᷤ‫ۏ‬ঝᮇূ                  recreation in all seasons because of the
ᮆ⯫ඝⰍ࿀ ࠛ⽳⟲␢Ⴠ ᘠლ                  TXLHW  FRORUV  UHÀHFWHG  LQ  WKH  FOHDU  ZDWHU 
❜ᇇ෥Ɓᢿ፩ᾖ ԡ௮᠇္࿽ఢ                  and the shaded green walkways around
ൂࡘⅢϾᐔ๥࿽                         the lake. When the sun sets in the west,
                                the lake is dyed orange and red, which
                                attracts many photographers to this park.

           ࿽ఢ ㇮Ⅎᨘ

         Kejia Rd. Douliu City

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